公司简介 新闻来源: 点击数:16373 更新时间:2008/2/14 14:40:01 收藏此页
北京雷欧极光国际科技有限公司是一家集科技研发、生产、销售、服务于一体的建筑行业,高级电工,户外灯具,高品质电器,高档次酒店、大厦、银行、邮电、别墅、学校、小区、写字楼、计算机房工程配套的现代企业。 公司技术力量雄厚生产检测设备齐全,现拥有专业的工程师已研发生产:户外灯具、太阳能灯、格栅灯、日光灯、地面插座、桌面插座、筒灯、商业照明以及工程配套产品,得到广大客户的一致好评并通过中国国家强制性产品3C认证。雷士之光品牌产品畅销全国,远销到亚、欧、非地区,在国内外市场有一定的主导地位。在灯具行业,塑造了东方雷士的“雷士之光”品牌。公司还全力推出了高科技太阳能灯系列。 公司要建设长盛不衰的百年企业,塑造驰名中华的金质品牌。以严谨、创新、诚信、进取作为自己的企业精神,坚持以市场要求为主导,以客户满意为宗旨,坚持质量第一、信誉第一。公司将以一流的产品质量,一流的销售服务为各界用户提供放心产品、满意的服务。 公司发扬“科技创新、务实求精”为发展理念,自强不息,敢为人先,永不言败!愿和志同道合的各界朋友精诚合作,共存、共兴、共荣、共赢!愿与新老客户携手合作,共创美好的未来。
About the enterprise
Lei Shi Beijing Oriental International Science and Technology Co., Ltd. is a enterprise that includes science and technology research , production, sales, service , high-level electrician, outdoor lighting, electrical high-quality, high-grade hotels, buildings, banks, post and telecommunications, schools, office buildings,and computer rooms.
Our company has strong self-production testing, and professional engineers have been producted : fan, wall switches, sockets, lamp, ceiling lighting fixture, fluorescent lamp, down light, commercial lighting, as well as engineering support products which were received customers praise and also through the China Compulsory Certification 3C. Lei Shi light of the national best-selling brand-name products, are exported to Asia, Europe and non-regional, domestic the foreign markets in a certain degree . It includes simple and crisp cone-shaped lamp, Gao Gandeng series of magnificent courtyard and a common interpretation of Jingguan Deng 总页数: 1 第 1 页